How To Eat Slowly…When You’re Used To Practically Inhaling Your Food
8 Practical strategies for mindful eating.
Eating slowly has numerous benefits, including better digestion, weight management, and increased enjoyment of food.
If you find yourself practically inhaling your food, here are some tips to help you slow down and savor your meals.
#1 Create Mindfulness at the Start of Your Meal
Before diving into your meal, take a deep breath and remind yourself that you can eat slowly and enjoy the food. This simple practice can help you set the tone for a more mindful and relaxed dining experience.
#2 Cut up Your Food Into Smaller Pieces
In addition to spending time cutting up food, this forces you to eat smaller bites. So for example, instead of finishing up that slice of steak in 4 big bites, you spread it into 8–10 smaller pieces.
#3 Chew More Than You Think You Should
Chewing each bite thoroughly can significantly slow down your eating pace. Aim to chew each bite at least 15–20 times before swallowing. This can also improve digestion and nutrient absorption.
#4 Drink Water Between Bites
Drinking water between bites can help you slow down and take small breaks during your meal. This can aid in digestion and prevent overeating. Aim to sip water regularly throughout your meal.
#5 Make a Point of Noticing the Textures in Your Mouth
Take the time to appreciate the taste, texture, and aroma of your food. This can enhance the overall dining experience and prevent mindless eating.
#6 Don’t Eat In Front of the TV or Computer
These steal focus from the food into whatever is happening before your eyes. Mindful eating pros even close their eyes to connect with the flavors. This technique can elevate even ordinary fast-food fare.
#7 Use Chopsticks or Smaller Utensils
Using chopsticks or smaller utensils can make it more challenging to eat quickly and force you to slow down. This can be a fun and effective way to train yourself to eat more slowly.
#8 Put Down Your Utensils
After each bite, place your utensils down and take a moment to savor the food before picking them up again. This can help you pace yourself and prevent overeating.
With these 8 tips, every meal time becomes a truly enriching experience.